Fair Work First Policy
Fair Work First is the Scottish Government's flagship policy for driving high quality and fair work across the labour market in Scotland by applying fair work criteria to grants, other funding and contracts being awarded by and across the public sector, where it is relevant to do so. Through this approach the Scottish Government is asking employers to adopt fair working practices, specifically:
payment of at least the real Living Wage
provide appropriate channels for effective workers' voice, such as trade union recognition
investment in workforce development
no inappropriate use of zero hours contracts
action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace
offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment
oppose the use of fire and rehire practice
NL Productions is s committed to ensuring that we have in place fair working practices and is committed to advancing the Fair Work First criteria.
NL Productions is committed to ensuring that we have in place fair working practices and is committed to advancing the Fair Work First criteria, specifically:
Appropriate channels for employee voice ​
We recognise trade unions for the purpose of collective bargaining.
We have negotiating and consultation forums in place for both employees and freelance staff.
We regularly seek out the views and experiences of our employees on employment and related matters to be a more responsive and supportive employer.
We have policies and measures in place to ensure employees can raise concerns in the workplace on issue of bullying and harassment.
Investment in workforce development
Development and learning are supported across the organisation for employees to meet both their personal and professional development needs.
Induction and probation procedures are in place to support employees on joining NL Productions.
We actively engage with learning institutions to provide opportunities for young people to gain experience within the events industry. Formal and informal learning is offered and encouraged across the workforce, relating to specific roles as well as wider development.
We regularly survey staff about health and wellbeing matters to inform policy priorities and development.
We have a sponsored education programme to support employees gain formal qualifications.
No inappropriate use of zero hours contracts
NL Productions use a limited number of zero-hour contracts in place for legitimate appropriate reasons.
Employees on variable hour contracts have comparable employment rights to all other employees.
Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace
NL Productions is committed to valuing diversity and advancing equality of opportunity in all aspects of our activities. We believe that this is fundamental to the development of an inclusive working and learning environment in which all employees and learners can fulfil their potential.
Our Staff representative also works in the capacity as an Equality Champion for our workforce.
We have action plans in place to advance gender, race and disability equality in our employment practices and workplaces.
We protect and promote the mental health and wellbeing of all employees through our mental health and wellbeing strategy.
We set out how all employees are expected to behave at work, creating a better working environment for all through our Employee Code of Conduct, Dignity at Work Policy and Equality and Diversity in Employment Policy.
Our Recruitment Policy ensures that the equality of opportunity in all roles.
Payment of the Real Living Wage
We are an accredited Living Wage employer; this is a clear commitment to pay at least the Living Wage for all staff we directly employ and for those who work on our contracts by actively encouraging employers to pay the Living Wage as part of a package of fair work practice in all relevant contracts.
In addition, as part of our procurement process contracts with third party service providers incudes a clause to stipulate that they should pay the Living Wage.
We offer flexible and family-friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment
We support flexible working, offering a wide range of flexible working patterns.
We have many policies and procedures to support our employees at times when they need it. These include:
Part-time and term time working arrangements
Carers Policy
Job Share Policy
Time off for Dependents
Parental Leave
Career Break
Compassionate and other special leave
Time off for voluntary and other public duties
We oppose the use of fire and rehire practice
We only consider effecting change where there is a legitimate business need to do so.
We have a Workforce Change policy that clearly outlines the processes and procedures that should be followed when effecting organisational change.